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                                              10 Frequently Asked Questions In Yoga


1. What do I need to start yoga? All you need to bring are comfortable clothes and a good attitude. We do a variety of movements in a yoga class so your clothes should be able to move freely with you. Some classes may make you sweat so dress accordingly. We have mats, blocks, belts, and blankets to get you started if you have never practiced before.


2. What if I have never done yoga before? No Problem! Be sure to read our class descriptions so you can decide for yourself what works for you. We have plenty of gentle and all levels classes to get you started; at Unknown Yogi, we offer you small group and private classes as well!


3. Do I need to sign up for class in advance? Some classes YES, some NO. You can sign up on your home computer or mobile device. If you forgot to sign up, we will still have room for you.


4. What if I have an injury or physical condition? First, check with your physician and make sure it is ok. It is also important for you to check in with the teacher before class if you have any concerns. All of our staff can help you by guiding you to the right class and the right props as well. Yoga is NO Competition! NO Comparison! We should not even compare how we did a pose the week before because every day is new. Listen to your body and if it says to back off then back off! No one is judging you, it’s your body, your practice.


5. What if I fart? Seriously ,this happens a lot in yoga! When you are twisting, bending, and stretching they might catch you off guard! If you pass gas, don’t worry about it! If you ignore it so will everyone else. Teachers are use to it and will often talk to distract the attention. If it is a problem for you on a regular basis, then consider being mindful of what you eat before class and avoid large meals a few hours before class.


6. What if I fall asleep or snore during Savasana? Good for you for being so relaxed! Again no worries. Your teacher will offer a tap on the foot or some words to bring you back to the room! It happens to everyone!


7. I’m out of shape, can I still do yoga? Most likely, yes! If you have serious concerns, consult with your physician before starting a yoga practice. If you’ve simply fallen out of an exercise routine, listen to your body and only do what you can do, working to your edge, not past it. Use props and listen to the instructor’s instructions for modifying postures to make them more accessible. Over time, you’ll build up strength, stamina, balance and flexibility.


8. How many times should I practice a week? Again, it’s your body, your practice. It all depends on how you feel emotionally and physically. For example, if you had planned on taking a class, and your back was hurting all day: that would be a time to take a night off or do restorative yoga instead of a challenging class.


9. Is there an age limit to practicing yoga? Not at all! We have students that have started in their 60’s and maintain a practice in their 70’s and 80’s! In our classes you may see a 18 year old and a 70 year old in the same class. As long as both are listening to their bodies and respecting their limitations; then there is no limit to your yoga practice!


10.What should I expect when I get to class?


• Arrive 10-15 minutes early. If the class before your class is still in session, please wait outside the studio until it is complete.

• Disconnect. Turn OFF your cell phone. Don’t put it on vibrate, put it on airplane mode or turn it off completely.

• Take of your shoes AS SOON AS YOU ENTER the studio. We walk barefoot in the studio and dirt is an unwanted distraction!

• Introduce yourself to the teacher and tell them if you are new, if you have any injuries or concerns.

• Put your mat down, grab your props and take the few minutes left before class to be still and get ready physically and mentally for class. Stretch, twist, or just lie on your back or sit on your mat, it doesn’t matter. It’s your body, your practice!; the important thing is that you start the important process of giving your self over completely to yoga for the next 60 minutes!


Now that all of your yoga questions have been answered, it's time to stop wondering about yoga, and start actually doing yoga! Browse our current yoga offers and get started NOW!



 139 E. 2nd St. Kaukuana, WI


© 2017 Unknown Yogi. Proudly created with

Unknown Yogi is proud to be partners with the Give Back Yoga Foundation. We support the Mindful Therapy Program and offer monthly Beginner's Yoga Workshops Monthly, every other workshop is a donation workshop, which means all proceeds go to the Mindful Yoga Therapy Program! Check out more here:

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